Connect Wallet
Saturn NFT
Create Cardano Smart Contracts and Digital Collectables
NFT Creator
NFT Creator
The fastest and easiest NFT creation platform on Cardano! Upload your own images or use our automated image generator that creates all of the required metadata for you.
Create NFT Button
Create NFTs
Upgrade System
Create a Leveling system for your NFT's using CIP-68 technology! Crafting Upgradable, Dynamic NFT's, allows you to create a new type of NFT that can be upgraded over time.
Create NFT Button
Upgrade NFTs
Image Generator
Image Generator
Image Generator
The most advanced image generation system on Cardano! Simple and intuitive, upload layers of your NFT collection and we'll create the images and NFT metadata for you!
NFT Minting
Mint your NFTs using our payment system, in bulk, or one at a time! Our multisig minting service automates NFT royalties and the minting experience for you.
Other minting services require substantial technical knowledge and use an unsecure "send ADA" minting system. With Saturn, everything is secure and there is no technical knowledge required to create NFTs!
Create NFT Button
Create NFTs
NFT Minting
Image Generator
Payment System
Our payment system allows users to directly mint your NFT collection! The payment system works with all Cardano wallets and can be seamlessly embedded right into your website.
Saturn uses Cardano's multi-sig minting, which is the most secure minting transaction possible. Multi-sig allows your supports to mint an NFT and send you ADA all in 1 transaction, no more refunds!
Create NFTs
Create and Mint NFTs with our simple and advanced creation tools!
Image Generation
Upload your own completed images or generate your own from layers!
Royalty Management
Add your desired royalty percent that you will receive on each trade on the secondary market!
Whitelist Creation
Add a whitelist to allow only certain people to mint your NFTs!
Metadata Creation
Add your own NFT metadata or automatically generate your data with our tools!
Payment Gateway
Embed our payment gateway directly on your website to allow your supports to seamless mint your NFTs!
Multi-sig Minting
Saturn is the first NFT creation platform to support multi-sig minting, the most advanced and secure minting transaction.
Manual Minting
Bulk mint all your NFTs or mint them one at a time, these are also secured using multi-sig minting!
Single Mint
per NFT
*plus Cardano fee and minUTXO
Payment Gateway
of mint price +1 ada
Bulk Minting
per NFT
*plus Cardano fee and minUTXO
All Mint Options Include
Glob Blob
NFT Creation Tools
Yolg Blob
Image Generator and IPFS Hosting
Bob Blob
On Demand Minting
Rooboo Blob
NFT Project Support
Saturn also has a built in full Dynamic NFT leveling system!
Cardano NFTs can be upgraded to reward active community members and increase project revenue!
Oobby Blob
Create NFT Button
Create NFTs
Saturn is the most advanced NFT creation and minting platform on the Cardano Blockchain. No technical knowledge required to use Saturn, we provide all the tools you need to create a successful NFT project.
Along with Saturn the team has created ADA Blobs which is the 3rd live smart contract on the Cardano Blockchain and contributed to the Nami and CardanoSharp wallets
About Saturn Blob
Why should I use Saturn for my NFT Mint?
FAQ Arrow
Saturn is the #1 NFT creation platform on the Cardano Blockchain. Your NFT project's success will be greatly amplified by using Saturn's features such as our automated image generator, payment gateway, multisig minting engine, and many others.
FAQ Blob
Do I need technical knowledge to use Saturn?
FAQ Arrow
Why should I use Cardano for my project?
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Will my NFT project be more successful using Saturn?
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Can I Generate Images From Layers?
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Can you help me develop my NFT project?
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Does Saturn handle payments?
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